Friday, August 10, 2012

Antivirus Scam Alert! Avoid Protecting Computer through Fake Antivirus Software

A computer user is always tempted to protect his system against unwanted events and hence tends to install as much as nifty antivirus software. Today, there are many fake online activities that have wrong intentions of infecting your computer. In such cases, most of the users are not aware that they are being scammed and make mistakes by relying on fake antivirus products. Antivirus scam is nothing but aims to make fool out of you. Such scams display false virus infection alerts on computer along with spreading malware across user’s computer system. As computer becomes infected, user makes an immediate attempt to buy fake antivirus software. By doing the same, users may bear huge loss in terms of privacy, money, time as well as occurrence of new viruses in computer.

Security of a computer is primarily necessary but users need to avoid cyber criminals to prevent confidential information theft. In order to capture personal data and to take control over your computer, attackers create new ways to win your trust and cheat you. You need to be better off handling the situations when you suspect that you’re about to be scammed. Yes, users who are not aware of such deceiving acts and easily come in control of widespread net of swindle are required to know about how attackers execute scamming.
SupportMart, keeping an eye on such scams has a goal of alerting all computer users to avoid them. Users are required to take a look at SupportMart scam posts on regular basis to recognize these online giants and throw them out. Hackers mainly spy on users who can easily rely on any fake antivirus software and decide to purchase it. Following are some of the important tips that can be of help and keep you safe:

·          Make proper search about the product
·         Make use of phone number if given at website
·         Look for the partnered vendors
·         Always purchase antivirus from renowned brand
·         Avoid opening suspected links
·         Don’t access spam emails
·         Malicious websites need not to be opened
·         Configure OS settings properly

·         Use well performing web browsers in your computer such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc.
You can never restrict online frauds but avoid them by taking some precautions. SupportMart fraud alerts will continue bringing you new and latest scams. Get to know about it and avoid fraudulent activities.

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