Friday, July 13, 2012

Alert for Investors! Beware of Internet Ponzi Fraud

How it feels when you suddenly see an email in your mail box saying you’ve won 80,000 USD? It seems everything is in your favor and you’re going to land up at dreamland. Yes, most of the people become victim of such deals which are nothing but fraudulent activities. Money grabbing scammers make such plans to cheat the people by making commitments of high returns. Susceptible to greed, people often invest money to feed scammers’ pockets. As a result, investors have to pay a lot in exchange of their trust on online fraudsters who threw a wide net to catch them.

Most of us fail to realize the reality of such scams and blunder into a situation, we know nothing about. In this information age Ponzi schemes have taken the form of a popular model ‘HYIPs’, which stands for High Yield Investment Programs. These programs are represented as website explaining unreal benefits. These programs are nothing but deception for the people who easily rely on them. Blind faith is being the major contributing factor to the successful execution of these internet Ponzi frauds that can last for several years.

In the year of 2009, a person named Nicholas Cosmo was running totally fraud firm that earned more than $370 million by defrauding thousands of people. This event raised the eyebrows of victims and alerted other users to avoid such programs.

SupportMart Fraud Awareness Portal advises the people who have a desire to invest and earn quick money to test the programs they’re going to deal with. The desire of making huge money may fall you off. The Ponzi fraud schemes lie in many different forms, some of them are as follows:
·           You may get e-mails regarding you have won a huge amount of money in the event you never participated in.
·         You may get e-mails with a bunch of advertisements with promising and convincing words that are enough to make you invest.
·         You may get phone calls with sweet voice and polite language convincing you to invest money and you’ll get unbelievable amount just in the next few days.
·         Fraudsters may show you so many proofs for they’re genuine and saying truth but in fact all the proofs are just fake.

If you find all these point correct, you’re going to become a victim of scam. The warning bells must be setting up in you now. Well, to avoid such scams, keep the following points in mind:
·         Avoid junk or spam e-mails.
·         Don’t rely on above explained kind of attractive deals.
·         Doing investment is an art; you should be smart at it. Don’t even think of investing money on all the deals that are just barefaced liar.

We want you to take a regular look at SupportMart fraud and SupportMart scam blog posts to beware of such scamming activities. The initiative taken by us is to keep you away from such fraudulent. SupportMart encourages you to go through reviews about proposing firm and rely on it if it is reputed and does well for its members.

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