
When you request us for a service, our customer service representatives will provide you with a list of paid plans to choose and purchase from. This is in no way an attempt to de-fraud SupportMart customers. On the other hand, you are made aware of the costs to be incurred, in advance, so you can choose whether or not to continue taking our service. What’s more, we provide a free diagnosis of your issue. Here again, you are free to decide about continuing with troubleshooting from our end. Once the issue is resolved, our technicians will advise you on how to avoid similar problems in the future. 

We believe in maintaining this level of transparency with our customers, in order to gain their trust and valuable support. If you feel however, SupportMart has not served you correctly or not lived up to your expectations, please do tell us about it at our number or drop a message at, and we will get back to you. 

1 comment:

  1. I know there are many fraud companies. Want to know about SupportMart to rely on it. Where else can I find you guys?
